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National Trails Day Guided Hike or Bike

National Trails Day is Saturday, June 1st! To celebrate, FLT is teaming up with GPNEMBA to host a guided hike and mountain bike ride on a portion of the Cross Falmouth Trail, an 11.5 mile trail that goes from River Point Conservation Area all the way to North Falmouth Community Forest.

We'll meet at River Point Conservation Area at 9am to kick off the event. Choose between a guided hike and a guided mountain bike ride for your morning adventure. The hiking group will go all the way to the parking lot of Hadlock Community Forest for a 7 mile adventure.  A shuttle will then take hikers back to the start so everyone can do a fun point-to-point hike. GPNEMBA will lead a medium-paced no-drop 7-8 mile ride, as well as a faster-paced (but no-drop) ride of 12-14 miles out to Hadlock Community Forest and back. 

Funds from this event will support FLT's trail legacy campaign for ongoing trail repairs and improvements. We hope you'll join us and support Falmouth trails!

Please click the button below to register. We will share additional event information such as parking and what to bring a few days before the event. Our rain date is Sunday, June 2nd.

May 22

Forest Playgroup @ Community Park

June 15

June Volunteer Work Day @ Morrill-Stillings Bird Sanctuary