hAdlock Community Forest
Click on map to enlarge
Trail Distance and Description: 5.75 mile trail system; trails are often rooty and rocky and contain sections of narrow bridging over wet areas
Dogs: Must be on leash April 1st - Sept 30th to protect sensitive wildlife habitat
Bikes: Allowed
GPS Address: 65 Hadlock Rd, Falmouth
Parking: Small unpaved parking lot
additional Information
Ownership: Town of Falmouth
Year Protected: 1950s-2010 (different portions of the property were protected in different years)
Acreage: ~ 300
Property Uses: Hiking, snowmobiling, mountain biking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, hunting, fishing, nature study, and horseback riding are all allowed. Motorized vehicles are prohibited, except snowmobiles on marked trails. Trails are not wheelchair accessible.
Additional Directions: From I-95 take exit 53 and turn left onto Gray Rd (Rte 100/26). Continue 2.7 miles and turn right onto Hadlock Rd. Continue approximately one-half mile to the parking area on the right.
Property Description: Hadlock Community Forest (HCF) is one of the largest contiguous open space areas in Falmouth. It is also a working forest and wood harvesting occurs there on a regular basis. Marked hiking trails lead to Winn Road and Range Road and Chebeague and Cumberland Land Trust’s Rines Forest. There are also snowmobile trails on the property.
Habitat: The thin soils and shallow bedrock make the area rich in vernal pools. A deeryard is also located on the south-facing ridge. The forest is predominantly Eastern hemlock. White pine, red oak, American beech and red maple are also common. The property is being managed to reduce hemlock density and increase pine and oak growth, increasing both species diversity and tree size to create a less uniform, more productive forest.
Cautions: Deer ticks are common; care must be taken to avoid Lyme disease. Water should be treated before drinking. This is also a popular hunting area, so use caution during hunting season.
Photos: MKane